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Sunday, 25 August 2013

Day 25 - The Gardening Seems To Be Working

For those of you who read Day 1 of the blog challenge you will have seen that I started to grow some windowsill herbs which consisted of basil, chives and parsley from the seed. This was from a kit I picked up in B&Q. You can have a quick recap here:


Here is how the herbs looked 24 days ago:

I also planted some beetroot, cress and pansies at the same time. The cress has since all been eaten but the beetroot and pansies are coming on well and will get planted out soon. 

Here is how the herbs looked before I potted them up earlier today. 

Basil and parsley

The herbs today! 

Here are the beetroot and pansies:


The pansies
Here are my herbs all planted up in their own pots:

The grown up herb family 

Looking good!

Growing tall! 


  1. Well done!! I have neither a green thumb nor the follow-through to create a garden, even a window sill garden. I have great respect for those who do!

  2. That is exciting Camilla. I would love to have some home grown foods. Growing your own food is like printing money. ;)
