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Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Day 27 - Putting My Stamp On Everyday Items

A few months ago you may remember I showed you all the stamp mirror I had made for my living room. I've not written a post specifically about it so thought this was the perfect opportunity. 

It all started with a bunch of stamps, some glue and a plain photo frame. A friend of mine, Jennifer came over one Saturday to make some stuff and I suggested covering things in stamps as I'd been wanting to try it for a while. 

The photo frame, took me ages!

The photo frame in detail

Jennifer and her photo frame

The box, not quite finished

The mirror begins.....

The mirror finished

The mirror in detail 

I have to say its a really effective technique. I'm thinking I might create a marine/sea themed stamp covered mirror for the bathroom...cue the PVA glue....


  1. You have a Great imagination!!! I could anything with the stamps being a good conversation starter!!

  2. This is different and unique. Are you using old stamps? Just wondering if you paid for them. That would be costly if you did. But I do like the idea.

  3. I always admired people who are creative. Like knitters and crocheters. Keep up the good work. Looks like fun.
